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Meth Addiction

Methamphetamines are one of the most dangerous street drugs today, and they are spreading like a fast-acting poison throughout this country. They are distributed by drug cartels and street-level dealers alike. In 2006, the last year for which data is available, there were one and a half million crystal meth addicts in the United Sates. Rehab center admissions for crystal meth addiction are higher than those for both heroin and cocaine. In fact, almost six percent of high-schoolers have tried meth, and those under 25 report the highest incidence of meth use and treatment. This holds especially true for women, as crystal meth can cause appetite suppression and weight loss.

It is easy to get addicted to crystal meth, and the effects are highly harmful and permanent. Crystal meth gets its name from its appearance- it’s refined from pseudoephedrine and ephedrine. The drug can be snorted or smoked for a long-lasting high, or injected for a rush that isn’t as long-lasting, but very intense.

The rapid rise in meth use and the growing numbers of crystal meth addicts has prompted law enforcement agencies nationwide to clamp down on those that are responsible for the production of the drug. Crystal meth addiction and manufacture is especially widespread in the western US- only marijuana and alcohol are more widely abused than meth there. Despite the best efforts of the authorities, the drug’s abuse and addiction are still spreading.


According to the DEA, a person can sustain permanent brain damage from using crystal meth only one time. Why is this? When a person takes a hit, the brain releases a lot of dopamine. Casual use usually leads to crystal meth addiction, and this addiction is extremely hard to treat. Addicts have a strong physical and emotional need for the drug, and will do almost anything to get it- even becoming delusional and violent.

It’s easy to tell if someone is addicted to meth. Not only will they tirelessly try to obtain more of the drug, their skin will get dry and they will start picking at it because they imagine that bugs are crawling on them. Many crystal meth addicts are afflicted with “meth mouth”, where the teeth and the jawbone deteriorate. An addict will have high energy levels and rapid and extreme weight loss, and they will forsake everything else in their lives (including family) just to get more of the drug.

Help and treatment for crystal meth addiction is available, but the process is difficult and time-consuming. Rehabilitation isn’t as simple as it is for some other drugs, because a detoxification process isn’t enough to beat the addiction. According to NIDA, the best way to treat a crystal meth addiction is with cognitive behavioral therapy, and incentives for continued abstinence and adherence to the treatment plan. Family support is also vital, as is encouragement for the meth addict to participate in wholesome, drug-free activities. If you or someone you know has a crystal meth addiction, don’t try to quit alone. Seek the help of a doctor, who will be able to refer you to an appropriate treatment program.

Drug Enforcement Agnecy (DEA) –
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) –
National Institue of Health (NIH) –

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